Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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bequest property handed down by will; legacy.
condescend to act as if one were of superior rank or station, treating others as inferior; patronize.
discontinuance the act of stopping or condition of being stopped; interruption.
discrete separate and distinct.
dishevel to make (hair or clothing) untidy.
impart to give all or a part of; bestow or transmit.
impeach to accuse a person in public office of wrong or improper conduct.
liaison a communication link between groups or between parts of an organization, or a person or group that performs this function.
monumental massive, imposing, or extremely conspicuous.
naturalistic exhibiting or pertaining to naturalism.
pliable easily bent; flexible; malleable.
posthumous beginning, occurring, or continuing after one's death.
rehabilitate to restore to good health or to an otherwise improved state of being.
repast a meal, or the food eaten at a meal.
satire a literary or dramatic work that ridicules or derides human vice or foolishness, usually through the use of parody or irony.