Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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alcove a partly enclosed area of a room.
detractor one who criticizes or disparages an idea, cause, or person to undermine support or popularity.
deviate to turn away from a direct course or one that has already been set.
echelon a level of authority or rank, as in an organization.
faddish relating to or having the nature of a passing fashion or craze.
fatalism a belief or doctrine that the events of life are predetermined and cannot be altered by human free will.
fleck a small patch of light or color.
inoffensive having no insulting or harmful qualities; innocuous.
menial lowly or degrading; servile.
misapprehension a failure to understand.
mortify to subject (someone) to extreme embarrassment, shame, or humiliation.
obituary a printed announcement of a person's death, usually including a brief biography and information about funeral arrangements.
pessimist one who usually expects a bad outcome.
unexceptionable without flaw or fault; beyond objection or criticism.
usurp to take and hold (a right, position, office, or the like) illegally, wrongfully, or by force.