Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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bulwark a wall or wall-like structure, often made of earth and used for defense; rampart.
castigate to punish or rebuke, as with severe public criticism; chastise.
confidant one to whom a secret or secrets are entrusted.
derivation the source of a thing; origin.
emancipate to free from slavery or other control.
homogeneous having all parts of the same or a similar type.
lethargy a state of having very low energy with drowsiness and apathy; lassitude.
misnomer an incorrect or inappropriate name.
seamy disreputable; sordid.
senile showing certain characteristics of old age, especially a deterioration of mental faculties or emotional control.
sophistry a subtle, deceptive method of reasoning or arguing, involving statements that sound plausible but are actually false or fallacious.
stricture that which restricts or constrains.
temperance habitual moderation in the use of alcoholic drink, or complete abstinence.
transcendent going beyond the ordinary; surpassing; extraordinary.
viscous having an adhesive, gluey consistency that resists flow.