Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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adhesive able or likely to stick to something; clinging.
aghast filled with alarm or horror; shocked.
astray off the right or known path or course.
bounty the quality of giving in abundance; generosity.
buoy a float attached by line to the bottom of a body of water to mark a location.
commerce the buying and selling of goods or services; trade; business.
curator one who oversees the activities and tends the collections of a museum, library, or the like.
dainty small, pretty, and delicate.
drone2 to talk in a boring voice without changing one's tone.
forte1 a strong or exceptional point, such as a talent or skill.
grimy covered or filled with dirt or soil; extremely dirty.
hover to stay hanging in the air, often by quick flapping or spinning.
persuasion the act of convincing someone to believe something or do something.
scenario a detailed outline or summary of a play, film, or book.
unidentified having an unknown or as yet undetermined name or nature; not identified.