Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abrade to rub away by friction; erode.
charismatic having unusually strong personal allure or appeal.
designate to choose for a particular job or purpose.
feasible capable of being done, carried out, or brought about; likely to succeed.
invalidate to deprive a claim of force or effect by negating its factual or legal basis.
kinetic of, concerning, or caused by motion.
paean a song or hymn sung as an expression of praise.
reimburse to pay back for (expenses or losses incurred).
soluble able to be dissolved.
squalid dirty or foul, as from neglect.
supremacy ultimate power or authority.
tacit suggested, implied, or understood, without being expressed in words.
titanic having enormous size, strength, or power; colossal; huge.
tryst a meeting held at a specified time and place, especially a secret meeting of lovers; rendezvous.
vouch to promise to be true, real, or correct (usually followed by "for").