Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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buoyant lighthearted or cheerful.
census an official count of the people who live in a country or other area. A census is also used to collect information about these people, such as their job, age, or sex.
chronological according to the order in which things happen.
consequence that which follows; result.
ecstasy a feeling of great pleasure or joy.
explosive able to cause an explosion.
factual containing facts; true.
famine a great lack of food over a wide area.
flammable able to catch on fire easily.
inward in or toward the inside or center.
jaunt a short trip made for fun and pleasure.
knack a natural talent for something.
representative a person who speaks or acts for a group or community.
stabilization the process of making or becoming steady or even, and keeping at a certain level or degree.
tyranny a government in which a single person rules absolutely and in a cruel way.