Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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choice the act or an instance of selecting or picking.
clutter to fill or litter with a messy collection of things.
contributor one that gives money or something else of value to a common fund or collective effort.
discussion the act or an instance of talking or writing about something.
entire having all the parts; whole.
extinguish to put out; stop the burning of.
ghost the spirit of a person who has died, especially one that is believed to haunt a place or living people.
pneumonia a serious disease in which the lungs become swollen and painful and fill with liquid. Pneumonia is caused by viruses or bacteria.
prairie a large area of fertile land covered with grass.
quaint pleasant in an old-fashioned way.
reside to live in a place for a long time; dwell.
selfish concerned only with oneself and not concerned about others.
swift moving or able to move very rapidly.
transfer the act of moving something from one person or place to another.
ward a large room in a hospital with beds for several patients, or a section for one type of patient.