Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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appoint to name to a particular office or duty.
cautious taking care to avoid danger or trouble; careful.
detach to separate from a whole.
discuss to talk together about.
downtown of or located in the lower part or the business area of a city.
horizontal parallel to the surface of the earth or to the horizon.
plunge to thrust into something soft or liquid.
pulley a simple machine that makes lifting something easier. A pulley has a wheel or set of wheels with grooves that a rope or chain can be pulled over.
sail to move over the water.
suburban of or having to do with communities that are near a city and where people who work in the city often live.
superior having a higher position, degree, or rank.
versus against; in opposition to.
wedge a piece of wood or metal shaped like a triangle with a thin edge. A wedge is driven or forced between objects to split, lift, or make them stronger.
width the length of something from one side to the other.
wit (often plural) the ability to understand, think, or know.