Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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affirmation the act of affirming.
chimerical existing only in the mind; fanciful.
distend to swell or cause to swell from, or as if from, internal pressure; balloon.
flail to cause to move wildly.
interplay the action or influence of two or more things on each other; reciprocal effect.
inverse opposite or reversed in position, order, direction, nature, or effect.
invoice a detailed statement of goods sold or shipped or of services provided, including their prices or charges.
machination (usually plural) elaborate or devious schemes.
mundane of or pertaining to what is common and everyday; ordinary; commonplace.
nominal in name alone.
ovation a prolonged or enthusiastic episode of applause for someone, as following a performance.
readjust to adapt oneself anew.
unchallenged not or not having been questioned, disputed, or contested.
uncomplicated not difficult to understand or deal with; simple; straightforward.
venturesome tending to take risks; brave.