Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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anthropology the scientific study of humankind. People who study anthropology learn about the origins and development of human beings and their societies and customs.
conquest the act or process of overcoming or defeating.
convergence the point, line, or the like at which lines, planes, or objects meet.
excerpt a short section taken from a play, film, or written work.
finance to provide money for.
harassment behavior that threatens, attacks, or offends another person repeatedly.
imperial having to do with an empire or an emperor.
minimize to make as small as possible.
mortal not living forever; having to die some day.
onset the early stage; beginning.
prohibit to not allow by law.
reassure to make less worried; give back confidence to.
statistical of, concerning, or based on information in the form of numbers that can be used to understand a complex issue or test the validity of a hypothesis.
valid based on truth, fact, or logic.
validity the condition or fact of being based on truth, fact, or knowledge.