Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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audacity courage or boldness often combined with daring or recklessness.
duplicitous deceitful, treacherous, or double-dealing.
gibberish written or spoken words that are unintelligible, needlessly obscure, or without coherent meaning.
incipient starting to exist or become apparent; in an early stage of development.
matriculate to enroll or be enrolled in an organization, especially a college or university.
meditative disposed to, marked by, or indicating contemplation or reflection; deeply thoughtful.
palpitate of the heart, to pulsate rapidly; flutter; quiver.
philanthropy collective efforts made to do good for others, especially in the form of making monetary donations or engaging in charitable works.
ratify to approve in an official way; confirm.
raucous loud, sharp, and rasping, as, at times, a bird's call or a human's voice or laugh.
reassess to evaluate again.
sacrilege the violation, profane treatment, or destruction of some place or thing that is considered to be holy.
spontaneous happening in a free way; not forced.
sully to make dirty or tarnished.
uniformity the state or quality of being uniform; overall sameness.