Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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affable pleasant to talk to and be with; friendly; likeable.
affirmation the act of affirming.
ambivalent of feelings and emotions, conflicting; pulling in opposite directions.
annihilate to destroy completely.
castigate to punish or rebuke, as with severe public criticism; chastise.
cogitate to think over something carefully or at length.
escalation increase in amount, scope, or intensity.
landlocked without any access to the sea.
particularity precise or detailed character.
patina a greenish, brownish, or reddish crust or film produced by oxidation on the surface of old metals such as bronze and copper.
podium a raised platform, as for a speaker or orchestra conductor; dais.
slacken to decrease activity, strength, speed, intensity, or the like.
specious apparently true, genuine, or plausible, but actually worthless, as an argument or evidence.
tenure the period of holding or possessing something.
untainted not contaminated or polluted.