Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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annotate to provide (a written work) with explanatory notes or critical commentary.
await to look forward to, or to stay in one place or condition in order to be ready for (someone or something).
bate to moderate or control; restrain.
bureau a chest of drawers.
conqueror one who defeats another.
considerable large in size or amount.
ego one's feeling about oneself, especially in comparison with other people.
inferior lower in rank, position, or degree.
irrelevant not having anything to do with the matter being considered or talked about.
offense the act of breaking a law or rule or doing something wrong; crime; sin.
script the written text of a play, movie, or television show.
stimulate to bring about to activity or action.
tabulate to arrange or organize systematically, especially in the form of a table.
transformative effecting a significant change in the nature, character, or behavior of a person or group.
utmost of the highest or greatest degree, amount, or intensity; greatest.