Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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agriculture the science and work of raising crops and farm animals; farming.
arrange to put in some kind of order, pattern, or design.
assessment a judgment or evaluation.
atlas a book of maps, tables, or charts.
communicate to make known.
creep to move with the body close to the ground; crawl.
erect upright in posture or position.
fury very wild anger; rage; frenzy.
moment a very short amount of time.
operate to work or run.
politician a person who holds a government office.
pollution poisons, wastes, or other materials that pollute.
retreat the act of moving back or away from a place or situation.
stammer to speak in an anxious or uncertain way. People who stammer often repeat sounds and stop between words.
starch a white food substance found in many foods.