Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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comprehensive including everything or almost everything; wide in range.
compromise a settlement of a disagreement in which each side gives up something, or the result of such a settlement.
conditional depending on certain circumstances or events.
cooperative willing to work together or cooperate.
data facts, figures, or other pieces of information that can be used to learn about something. The word "data" is the plural form of "datum," but is often used with a singular verb.
efficiency the quick, accurate performance of a task, or the ability to so perform.
extract a strong, concentrated form of a substance.
generate to bring into being or to produce.
inscribe to write by carving.
macho embodying or demonstrating a conception of masculinity emphasizing strength, assertiveness, and dominance.
madden to enrage or inflame.
paradigm an example, model, pattern, or the like.
prerequisite something required beforehand.
prosperity the state of being wealthy and successful.
sermon a talk given during a religious service.