Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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afford to have enough money for; be able to pay for.
asleep in a state of sleep.
awake to rouse from sleep.
crack a break in something.
fair1 giving equal treatment.
fear a strong feeling you get when you expect danger or pain.
flour the ground meal of wheat or other grain. Flour is used to make bread, cake, and other foods.
kitchen a room where people cook and store food.
parent a mother or a father.
peck2 to strike, or pick up quickly with the beak.
snowstorm a storm in which a lot of snow falls. Snowstorms have strong winds.
stain a spot or colored mark.
sting to make a tiny hole in the skin that causes pain.
stripe a line of color that is different in color from the area around it.
temper a usual state of mind of manner of feeling.