Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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ability the power or knowledge to do something.
adventure a trip or activity that is dangerous or exciting.
bottom the lowest or deepest part of something.
bucket an open container with round sides, a flat bottom, and a curved handle at the top.
carpet a covering for floors made of heavy cloth or a similar material.
chalkboard a smooth, dark board to be written on with chalk; blackboard.
doubt to not be certain or confident about something; to think that something might not be true.
event something that happens, especially an important thing that happens.
furnace a large appliance for making heat by burning gas, oil, coal, or wood.
jet an airplane with engines that give off a flow of heated gases to cause forward movement.
lower to cause to move to a position below; let down.
party a group of people coming together to celebrate or have fun.
pretend to imagine or make believe.
spin to turn fast.
waiter a person who serves customers in a restaurant, bar, or similar place.