Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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anathema something or someone despised or cursed.
censure to criticize or condemn.
chasten to awaken conscience or bring about moral improvement through suffering, discipline, or punishment.
communicable capable of being spread or passed on; contagious.
deviate to turn away from a direct course or one that has already been set.
discourse verbal communication; conversation.
fictitious intended to deceive; not genuine; imaginary.
forthcoming about to appear or happen.
indolent inclined to avoid exertion or effort; lazy.
materialism great or excessive concern with the acquisition of wealth or possessions, especially as opposed to the attainment of spiritual goals.
palatable acceptable or pleasing to the sense of taste.
rejuvenate to restore the vigor, health, or appearance of youth to.
risqué very close to indecency or indelicacy; sexually suggestive; racy.
verisimilitude the appearance or semblance of truth or reality.
vexation the condition of being annoyed.