Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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beard the hair that grows on the face, especially on the chin.
clever having a quick mind; smart.
death the end of life in any living thing.
emperor the male ruler of an empire.
gesture to make a motion with the body that expresses a feeling or thought.
hillside the side of a hill.
lemon a small, sour fruit with yellow skin. Lemons grow on trees.
rise to move up in direction.
roll to move by turning over and over.
suppose to assume to be true in order to make clear or to explain.
teach to show (someone) how to do something or to help (someone) learn something.
tender not tough; soft.
truck a large motor vehicle used for carrying heavy loads.
vegetable a plant or part of a plant that is used for food, such as potato, broccoli, or onion.
wet having water or other liquid within something or on the surface of something.