Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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blot a spot or stain.
classical having to do with the complex music of the European tradition that is neither folk nor popular music.
contributor one that gives money or something else of value to a common fund or collective effort.
damage harm or injury that makes something less useful or valuable.
division the act of separating into parts.
flutter to wave rapidly back and forth or up and down.
privacy the condition of being alone or away from the view of other people.
religion a set of beliefs about how the universe was made and what its purpose is. Religion usually involves worship of a god or gods, and the belief in certain ideas about right and wrong behavior.
rove to wander widely, without a fixed destination; roam.
rumble to make a long, low, rolling sound.
salute to show respect by raising the right hand to the forehead.
skim to remove from the surface of a liquid, or to clear the surface of by removing fat or other floating matter.
surrender to turn over or yield to the power or control of another.
utensil a device, instrument, or container used in a kitchen.
worldwide spread or happening all over the world.