Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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chalk a type of soft, white stone. Chalk is made into long thin shapes used for writing or drawing.
colorful having many colors; bright in color.
cottage a small house.
disgust to cause a strong feeling against something; to cause someone to feel sick.
exactly in a correct or accurate way.
gifted having a special talent or ability.
hero a person who has courage and who is a model for others.
hide to put or keep away from view.
jaw either or both of the two bones that frame the mouth and hold the teeth.
particular being the only one in mind or referred to out of many possibilities; specific; special.
pocket a small piece of material that is open at the top and sewn onto clothing for holding things.
rack a frame or stand used to hold, hang, or show things.
season one of the four parts of the year, the seasons are spring, summer, fall (autumn), and winter.
straight without a curve or bend.
unit a single thing that is one of a group of similar things.