Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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deference respect for and submission to the desires, opinions, or judgments of another.
egregious remarkably bad; flagrant; glaring.
equable not varying extremely or suddenly; uniform; stable.
fabricate to construct or create.
forbearance the act or capability of refraining or holding back.
inglorious bringing shame or disgrace; shameful; dishonorable.
insular closed to new ideas; narrow-minded.
irrefutable impossible to disprove; indisputable.
jingoism aggressive nationalism and patriotism, especially as directed against foreign countries.
noxious harmful, dangerous, or destructive, especially to health.
opprobrium a condition of disgrace or shame; ignominy.
pallid pale or whitened; lacking color.
rambunctious wildly or uncontrollably active; difficult to control; boisterous.
statute a law made by a legislature, as opposed to one established by the courts.
vertigo a sensation of unsteadiness or dizziness, such that one's surroundings seem to be whirling around.