Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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absent not present; away from where one usually is.
apology a statement that one is sorry for something.
emigrant one who leaves a country to live in another.
gallery a building used to display or sell art.
implement something used to do a particular job; tool or device.
index an alphabetical list of subjects, names, or other information in a book, with page numbers given for each item.
intelligence the ability to learn, reason, and understand.
plural having to do with or naming the form of a word that signals more than one.
recline to lie down in a comfortable position.
rumor a piece of information or a story passed from one person to another without any proof that it is true.
shortly in a little while; soon.
stalk1 a plant's main stem.
tradition the handing down of a culture's beliefs and customs from parents to children over many years.
warp to bend or twist out of shape.
youngster a young person; child.