Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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agency a company or organization that does business in support of other companies or people. An agency helps people do things that are difficult or complicated to do just by themselves.
assure to say to with force or conviction.
commission the act of performing or carrying out (something); the act of committing.
disease a condition that causes harm to the health of a person, animal, or plant; illness; sickness.
echo the repeating of a sound caused by the bouncing of sound waves from a surface.
electrocute to kill by electricity.
enchant to put under a magic spell; bewitch.
expect to hope for or look forward to.
funeral a ceremony for a dead person.
location place or position.
presence the state or condition of being in a place at a certain time.
purpose a reason or plan that guides an action; design or goal.
semester one half of a school or college year.
thatch straw, palm leaves, or other dried plant material used as a roof covering.
vampire a creature in folk tales that is said to have died but come back to life. Vampires suck blood from people in order to stay among the living.