Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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armor a suit made of leather, metal, or other strong material, worn to protect the body during battle.
battery a device that makes electricity by using chemical reactions. Batteries are used to power many things, including cars, flashlights, toys, and watches.
costly having a high price or value.
infant a child in the first months of life.
legion an army unit in ancient Rome that was made up of soldiers on foot and on horseback.
otherwise in a different manner or other way.
outline to draw a line around the edge of a shape.
pattern an arrangement of shapes, lines, letters, numbers, or colors that can be repeated or used again and again.
poet a person who writes poetry.
prepare to make ready.
revenge to get even for or pay back by causing injury or harm.
rotary turning or able to turn on an axis.
slender slim in an attractive way.
slither to move by twisting and sliding along a surface.
warrant a document issued by a judge that gives a police officer the right to make searches, seize property, or make arrests.