Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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assurance a statement meant to give confidence.
crypt a burial chamber or underground vault, especially one beneath a church.
divert to turn aside or away from something.
fictional existing only in a made-up story and not existing in real life.
flair a natural ability; talent.
ignite to cause to begin burning; set on fire.
incite to bring about, especially by angering or upsetting.
interpersonal of or pertaining to a relationship or interaction between people.
persuasive having the ability to cause another to do or believe something.
propose to present or suggest as an idea to be considered.
publicize to make widely known; advertise.
refinement an improvement, usually in the details of something.
shortcoming a fault or weakness in character, behavior, or ability.
shudder to tremble or give a sudden shiver.
untreated receiving no medical care or remedy.