Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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cancer a disease in which certain cells divide and grow much faster than they normally do.
compose to be the parts of; make up.
earnings money received as pay; wages.
everyday happening daily; routine.
griddle a flat pan or flat heated surface used in cooking.
industry the activity of process of turning raw materials into finished products, or a particular business that does this.
joyous full of joy; happy.
majestic having majesty; grand; splendid; noble.
mope to act dull and sad; sulk; pout.
response a written or spoken answer; reply.
risky involving a chance of getting hurt or losing something.
software any of the programs that are written to operate a computer.
substitute to put or use in place of another person or thing.
trinket a small piece of jewelry or other object used for decoration, usually inexpensive.
universe all matter and energy; all existing things, including the earth and heavens.