Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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construe to comprehend or explain the meaning or intention of; assign a meaning to; interpret.
context the setting of a word or phrase in speaking or writing that determines or affects its meaning. Context can be pictures, sounds, other words, or physical surroundings.
contribution something that is contributed.
delve to make a careful, thoroughgoing search, as for information.
distaste dislike or repugnance.
ingenious clever or creative in setting up or working through problems.
intellectual of or having to do with the intellect.
methodology a body of procedures, principles, and rules used for a specific activity or branch of knowledge.
mortal not living forever; having to die some day.
pesky (informal) pestering or annoying.
plume a large, fluffy, colorful feather.
righteous morally upright.
sovereign having independent government.
spacious having plenty of space.
vagabond having no permanent home; wandering from place to place; nomadic.