Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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bribe something promised or given to a person as a way of getting that person to do a certain thing.
cipher a system that substitutes letters and symbols for the letters and symbols contained in a written message in order to conceal its meaning; code.
commerce the buying and selling of goods or services; trade; business.
conformity accordance or compliance with a standard or norm.
coordination the working together of different muscles to carry out a complicated movement.
deteriorate to become less in value or quality; decline.
dissent to disagree with an opinion or belief held by many others.
equate to make or consider to be equal or equivalent.
flourish to grow in a strong, healthy way.
flux a state of continuous change or movement.
glower to look or stare with sullenness, anger, or animosity; scowl.
inconvenient causing trouble or extra effort; not convenient.
leisurely unhurried; slow.
probability the condition or fact that something might happen.
verbal having to do with words.