Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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columnist a writer who regularly writes opinion or comments on a particular subject for a newspaper or magazine.
deadline a date or time by which something must be done.
earthquake a shaking or other movement of part of the earth's surface, caused by movement deep within the earth.
essential necessary, needed.
gloomy dim or dark.
grubby dirty or messy.
insult to speak to or treat without respect or in a way that hurts feelings.
jinx someone or something that is believed to cause bad luck.
lousy (informal) nasty or mean.
mesh a material or article made of fiber woven to form open spaces, as in a net.
permission agreement from an authority that one may do something.
reaction an action or response to something that has happened or has been done.
sizzle to make the hissing or crackling sound of frying fat or oils.
slobber to let liquid, especially saliva, dribble from the mouth; drool.
vary to change; to make different.