Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bouquet a bunch of flowers, often arranged in a special way to be attractive.
flunk (informal) to be unsuccessful; fail, as a student in an examination or course.
generally for the most part.
gush to flood out in large amounts and with great force; spurt.
keg a small barrel holding less than ten gallons.
knit to make by knitting.
nuisance a person or thing that is annoying.
peculiar odd, strange, or unusual.
pluck to grab with the fingers and pull off; pick.
redden to blush.
rural having to do with country life.
sauce a liquid dressing or topping served with food.
shuffle to drag or scrape the feet along the floor while walking.
trinket a small piece of jewelry or other object used for decoration, usually inexpensive.
wise having understanding and good judgment about what is true or good.