Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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benign causing little or no harm.
blatant completely obvious or undisguised, sometimes offensively so.
commodious comfortably spacious; roomy.
contumely contemptuous insolence; rudeness.
conversant familiar; acquainted; practiced (usually followed by "with" or "in").
cyst a small pouch within body tissue that is filled with fluid or air. Some cysts are connected with serious disease, but most are not harmful at all.
expiation the act or the means of making amends, as for a sin or crime.
indurate to make hard in texture; harden.
inveigle to entice or ensnare by clever talk or flattery.
jejune lacking interest or liveliness; dull.
kibbutz an Israeli farming settlement whose ownership is shared by those who live and work there.
nostrum a favorite but unproven scheme or theory, offered as a remedy for social or political problems; panacea.
pneumatic of, using, or concerning air or other gases.
reprise repetition of a musical phrase or theme in an identical or slightly altered way.
sagacious possessing or characterized by good judgment and common sense; wise.