Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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addiction the condition of being addicted, especially to something that is not good for one's health.
capacity the amount that can be held in a particular space.
default to fail to perform an action or fulfill an obligation legally or morally required, especially to fail to pay money that is owed.
earnest having or showing a serious manner.
injunction a command or order, especially from a court, to do or refrain from doing something; authorization or prohibition.
malaria a serious disease carried by mosquitoes that causes chills, fever, and sweating.
organism an individual living thing, such as a plant, an animal, or a germ.
ornamental of or pertaining to decoration; decorative.
proliferation the act of spreading or multiplying rapidly.
publicity information given out through the media that gets the attention of the public.
render to cause to become; make.
stellar brilliant; outstanding.
taper to narrow.
trainee one who is being taught to do a particular job in a company or trade; apprentice.
variation the act or process of changing, or the condition of being changeable.