Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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broad wide; large; full of space.
computer an electronic device that is used to store and sort information and work with data at a high speed.
democratic relating to or demonstrating the belief that all people should be treated equally.
description the act of using words to tell others what something is or was like.
determine to decide or settle finally and without question.
electrical having to do with electricity; electric.
examine to look at closely and carefully.
fashion the style of clothes or way of acting that is popular.
imprint a mark or design made by pressing or printing on a surface.
interior being inside or within.
militia a group of trained citizens who are not soldiers but can serve as members of the military in an emergency.
private allowing only certain people to take part in or to know about.
rank1 an office or position.
veto the power of a government official or group to keep something from taking effect.
vocalist one who sings, especially a professional singer of popular music.