Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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banter joking, clever conversation.
buttress a structure built to give support to the outside of a building or a wall.
capitalist one who supports an economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately owned, and prices are chiefly determined by open competition in a free market.
caricature a depiction, in a drawing or verbal description, that deliberately exaggerates or distorts some features of the person or thing represented to produce a comic or grotesque appearance.
cavil to make petty criticisms or objections; carp (usually followed by "at" or "about").
covet to wish to have very much; envy.
electorate a body of those entitled to participate in an election; qualified voters, as a group.
epilogue a short concluding section to a literary work, often summarizing what later becomes of the characters.
inexorable not subject to change by any force or influence; unyielding or unrelenting.
insolence rude or impudent behavior or speech.
rampant unrestrained or uncontrollable; unbridled.
rivulet a tiny stream or brook; trickle.
sequel what follows afterwards, such as the next event in a series, especially as it arises from previous events.
stratagem a plan or trick to deceive, surprise, or outwit an opponent, especially as a military maneuver.
universality the quality, character, or condition of being universal.