Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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amalgamation the act, process, or result of combining two or more, often disparate, things.
colloquial characteristic of or suited to informal or familiar conversation or to writing that is imitative of conversational tone.
cumulative becoming larger or greater by means of gradual addition.
exodus the leaving of large numbers of people.
extant still in existence; current; not extinct, destroyed, or lost.
imprecise not exact, accurate, or well-defined; vague.
inkling a blurry or partial idea or understanding.
levity a lack of seriousness; light, humorous, or foolish behavior or attitude.
poseur one who adopts an affected attitude or manner in order to impress others.
rabid extreme in opinion or action; fanatical.
reprieve to release (someone) temporarily or permanently from planned or impending punishment, pain, or difficulty.
spurious not genuine, authentic, or valid; false.
stoical showing little or no emotion in reaction to painful or pleasant experiences.
stratagem a plan or trick to deceive, surprise, or outwit an opponent, especially as a military maneuver.
tensile of or relating to tension.