Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bazaar an outdoor street market made up of rows of little shops or stalls where people buy and sell things.
beholder one who looks or sees.
crumple to press or crush and cause wrinkles.
deck the floor on a ship or boat. Sometimes a ship has several decks at different levels.
disappear to be no longer seen.
loot valuables taken by force in a war; spoils.
mob a large crowd of angry or excited people.
plump full and round in shape; chubby.
recent having to do with or happening in the very near past.
release to set free.
religious devoted to the beliefs of a particular religion.
rotate to cause to turn around on an axis.
substantially to a large or significant degree; considerably.
substitute to put or use in place of another person or thing.
weekday any day except Saturday and Sunday.