Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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assail to attack with vigor or violence; assault.
asterisk a sign (*). It is used to show that there is other information on the page that explains the information where the sign is placed.
atavism the recurrence or reappearance of a particular trait, style, attitude, or behavior that seemed to have disappeared, or that which has recurred or reappeared after such an absence.
augury the art or practice or an instance of predicting the future or obtaining hidden knowledge by interpreting omens.
bilge the rounded part of a ship's hull between the bottom and the sides.
iatrogenic caused by a physician or medical treatment, especially from drugs or surgery.
impugn to call into question; challenge or try to discredit.
lorgnette eyeglasses, such as opera glasses, that have a short handle by which one holds them in position.
pandemic a widespread outbreak of disease that afflicts many people over different continents.
pneumatic of, using, or concerning air or other gases.
pronate to turn or rotate (the hand or forearm) so that the palm of the hand faces down or backwards.
Sabbatarian one who observes the Sabbath on Saturday, as Jews and certain Christians.
sartorial of or pertaining to tailors or tailored clothing, especially men's clothing.
topography the shape of the earth's surface across an area or region. The topography of an area includes the size and location of hills and dips in the land.
transpose to exchange the position or order of (two things).