Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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biology the science that studies the growth and life processes of living things.
diplomat a person whose job is to handle relations with the governments of other countries.
divorce to use the law to bring an end to a marriage with (someone).
governor a person who leads a state of the United States or some other political unit.
hasten to move or act with speed; hurry.
molten made liquid by very high heat.
persuade to cause to do something by using reason or argument.
poet a person who writes poetry.
revolve to turn or spin in place.
scratch to scrape or damage with something sharp.
slack not tight; hanging loose; drooping.
supreme having the highest rank, position, or authority.
talon a claw of a bird or animal.
therapy treatment meant to cure a disease or heal an injury.
weaken to make weak or weaker; to cause (something) to be less strong.