Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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caper to leap, hop, or skip about in a playful way; frolic.
cocky sure of oneself in a rude way; arrogant.
condition a state of being or existence.
degree a stage or step in a course of action.
digital showing information by a row of numerical digits rather than by numbers on a dial.
novel2 new and unusual.
possible capable of being, happening, being done, or being used.
remain to go on being; continue in a particular way without a change.
rumble to make a long, low, rolling sound.
shaggy having long, rough hair or something like hair.
spouse a husband or wife in a marriage.
spread to open or stretch out.
stammer to speak in an anxious or uncertain way. People who stammer often repeat sounds and stop between words.
unless except on the condition that.
width the length of something from one side to the other.