Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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camera a device for making photographs.
dance to move the feet and body to music.
female being a member of the sex that produces eggs and gives birth.
finish to reach or cause the end of; complete.
firmly in a way that uses some strength; not lightly.
foam a mass of small bubbles that forms on the surface of a liquid.
hair a single, thin structure like a thread that grows on the body of humans and some animals.
later at some following time or future time.
legend a story or group of stories that have been handed down from a time long ago and that many people in a society know but cannot prove to be true or untrue.
lifetime the length of time something is expected to work well.
likely to be expected; probable.
mad angry.
mirror a smooth surface that shows an image of whatever is in front of it.
practice To repeat something in order to do it better.
shortcut a quicker or more direct way to go somewhere.