Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abnegation the act of relinquishing or abandoning, as a right, role, or good.
archives the body of records or information pertaining to an institution, organization, or historical figure.
evasion the act or an instance of escaping, avoiding, or failing to perform something.
extradition the legal transfer of a fugitive from one state or jurisdiction to another where he or she is to be tried or imprisoned.
foray a quick raid or sudden advance, usually military and often to take forage or plunder.
frugal small in amount or cost; meager.
languid lacking or not showing strength, energy, or spirit; weak, slow, or listless.
liability the condition of or potential for being held responsible.
obscene offensive and not decent.
obsession that which preoccupies one's mind or emotions excessively or abnormally.
orator a person who delivers a public speech, or one skilled at formal public speaking.
rhetoric the art, ability, or study of using language effectively in speech or writing, especially to influence or persuade one's audience.
scruple a belief about right and wrong that keeps a person from doing something that may be bad.
untainted not contaminated or polluted.
vibrant full of energy, life, or constant activity.