Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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afterward at a later time.
care serious attention.
ditch a long narrow opening in the ground used to drain away or supply water.
explore to travel in order to discover or search for something.
fare the price paid to ride on a bus, train, taxi, or airplane.
foggy full of or covered by fog.
halt to stop or pause.
happily in a glad, cheerful, or joyful way.
hoe a tool with a thin, flat blade at the end of a long handle. It is used for breaking up the soil.
particular being the only one in mind or referred to out of many possibilities; specific; special.
poem a piece of writing different from ordinary writing in its special form, rhythm, and beautiful or interesting language. Poems are often short and express feelings. They sometimes use words that rhyme.
same exactly alike; not at all different.
threaten to say that you will harm or punish some person or group if something that you demand is not done.
tribe a group of people, families, or villages that share the same language, social customs, and ancestors.
upset to turn something over.