Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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cognitive of, pertaining to, or involving the use of the mind for acquiring knowledge and processing thought.
contraption (informal) a mechanical device, sometimes of odd design or construction; gadget.
enforce to put in force; make people obey.
fray to wear or rub thin.
incidental happening or likely to happen concurrently or in connection with something else but as a subordinate or less important element.
minimize to make as small as possible.
mobile able to move or be moved easily from one place or position to another.
preach to give a talk on religion that is used to teach; give a sermon.
prerequisite something required beforehand.
prohibit to not allow by law.
reciprocal involving an exchange, as of feelings, actions, or things, between two parties; mutual.
sanctuary a holy or sacred place.
stability the condition or quality of being steady, fixed, or unchanging.
thrifty prudent in the management and spending of money; economical.
tuition the charge for being taught at a college or private school.