Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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cling to stick closely.
disability something that makes a person unable to do certain things that most people can do.
distress a state of great need or trouble.
everyday happening daily; routine.
flunk (informal) to be unsuccessful; fail, as a student in an examination or course.
fret1 to feel troubled or uneasy.
furthermore besides; in addition; moreover.
hygiene the practice of keeping clean to stay healthy and prevent disease.
mist a mass or cloud of tiny water drops in the air.
moral having to do with what is right and what is wrong in how a person acts.
motivate to cause to move or act by giving incentive or inspiration.
ordinary usual or normal.
sacred having to do with religion.
suburb an area or community located just outside a city or town.
vain not leading to a desirable or lasting effect.