Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abundance a very large amount; plentiful supply.
bizarre strikingly odd or unusual, especially in appearance or behavior.
bureaucracy an organized group of hired officials, especially governmental.
cascade to fall from one level to the next; flow down like a waterfall.
composition the way the parts of something are put together; order or structure.
equitable characterized by fairness; just.
fortress a large, fortified building or area, often around a town or settlement.
graceless inappropriate or socially awkward.
indirect not in a straight line, course, or route.
infrastructure all the basic systems that have been created in a country, especially through technology and engineering, that allow it to function well and develop. Roads are a very important part of a country's infrastructure. Without roads, it is difficult for people to travel and to work and to move products from one place to another.
marathon a race in which participants run 26.2 miles.
medieval of, or having to do with the Middle Ages.
prominent easy to see or notice because of some difference.
quay a pier, wharf, or other landing place for loading and unloading boats or ships.
stealth secretive, surreptitious, or covert movement or procedure; sneakiness; furtiveness.