Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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accessory an item added on to something else to make it prettier, more complete, or more useful.
adjustment the act or process of changing or fixing something.
axis a real or imaginary line through the center of an object, around which the object turns.
catalog an organized list of things such as book titles, goods for sale, or other items, with a short description of each item.
confident having trust or faith; satisfied and sure.
current of or happening in the present time.
dash to move swiftly; run rapidly; rush.
disguise to change or hide the looks of in order to prevent recognition.
fragrant having a pleasant smell.
hasten to move or act with speed; hurry.
historic important in history.
hunger the need or desire for food.
journalism the work of collecting news and information and giving it out to the public through newspapers, magazines, radio, television, or other media.
quicken to make faster; accelerate.
shrivel to cause to wrinkle or become smaller.