Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bubble a ball of air or other gas inside another substance.
clog to block passage through something.
cruel willing to cause pain or suffering; not caring if you hurt someone or something.
electric using or having to do with electricity.
fellow belonging to the same group, having the same job, or sharing the same interests.
hike to take a long walk in a natural place, such as a woods or forest, for fun or exercise.
maybe it may be so; perhaps.
numb not able to feel; having no feeling.
player someone who takes part in a game or sport.
relief the feeling of not having the pain or worry that you had before.
rid to cause things that are not wanted to go away.
rob to steal something from a person or place, often with the use of force.
smell to sense something by means of the nose.
sword a weapon that has a long pointed blade fixed on a handle or hilt. Swords are used to cut or thrust.
tape a substance made of plastic, cloth, or paper that has glue on one side. It is cut into long, narrow pieces. Tape is used to stick things together.