Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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armor a suit made of leather, metal, or other strong material, worn to protect the body during battle.
ceramic of or having to do with objects made of baked clay.
concert a musical or dance performance before an audience; recital.
cove a small bay in a shoreline of a sea, lake, or river.
difficulty the condition of being hard to do.
erosion wearing away of the earth's surface by wind or water.
gorgeous very beautiful; splendid.
grateful feeling thankful or showing thanks for kindness or something pleasing.
heave to push up or out with great effort.
ledge a narrow part like a shelf that comes out of a wall.
postpone to put off until later.
ridiculous silly; foolish; laughable.
strategic related to the planning of a series of actions that are meant to lead to a large goal, especially in war.
tense1 pulled or stretched tightly.
transatlantic going or reaching across the Atlantic Ocean.