Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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awhile for a short time.
cord a covered wire that carries electricity to a piece of equipment such as a television or lamp.
elevator a device that carries people or things from one floor to another in a building. An elevator is like a small room or platform that moves up and down.
horn a hard, hollow growth on the head of certain mammals. Goats and sheep are some animals that have horns.
menu a list of foods served at a restaurant.
mess a state of being dirty or not neat.
microphone a device that changes sound waves into electronic signals. Microphones are used to make sounds louder or to broadcast or record them.
shelf a thin, flat piece of wood, metal, or other material that is attached to a wall or set into a piece of furniture. Shelves are used to hold books, dishes, and other things.
smell to sense something by means of the nose.
stormy having or characterized by storms.
sum the number or amount that comes from adding two or more numbers.
tackle equipment or gear used in a sport or hobby such as fishing.
troop (plural) soldiers.
wear to have or carry on your body.
window an opening in a wall or vehicle that lets in air and light. The opening is usually covered by clear glass.